News Flash!

Another terrific success for BWTS. 2018 was a wonderfully warm and enjoyable event – full of colour, positive energy and promise. Congratulations to our Teams on a super effort that brought in $70,000 – precise figures TBA…. And congrats to our winners: Dance...

The Teams of 2018

2018 Announcement Full-Sized Poster Program & Cast Congratulations to Team #2’s Tim Bennett and to Team #7’s Kyle Sampson for winning their seats in the Prince George Civic Election. They did a great job, both on and off the dance floor ! [expand title=”BWTS...
Boogie 2018 Announcement

Boogie 2018 Announcement

Full-Sized Poster Program & Cast Teams of 2018 The Brink Group Announcement! We have a new sponsor for our 2018 event! You can check out what is currently happening in a new video below and at our Facebook Event Page.