News Flash!

Another terrific success for BWTS. 2018 was a wonderfully warm and enjoyable event – full of colour, positive energy and promise. Congratulations to our Teams on a super effort that brought in $70,000 – precise figures TBA…. And congrats to our winners: Dance...

The Teams of 2018

2018 Announcement Full-Sized Poster Program & Cast Congratulations to Team #2’s Tim Bennett and to Team #7’s Kyle Sampson for winning their seats in the Prince George Civic Election. They did a great job, both on and off the dance floor ! [expand title=”BWTS...
Boogie 2018 Announcement

Boogie 2018 Announcement

Full-Sized Poster Program & Cast Teams of 2018 The Brink Group Announcement! We have a new sponsor for our 2018 event! You can check out what is currently happening in a new video below and at our Facebook Event Page.
Rehab Wheelchairs Arrive!

Rehab Wheelchairs Arrive!

The University Hospital of Northern BC has received 62 rehabilitation wheelchairs purchased by the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation. Boogie with the Stars 2016 put together over $90K to help make this happen. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and...