Following our disappointment in having to cancel BWTS in 2024, with renewed enthusiasm we are so happy to pass along some good news for those folks who look forward to our NYE event. We are now determined and focused on bringing Season 9 to life on the evening of Wednesday Dec 31st, yes, BWTS 2025 !
Although in its early stages, the website is up and running for you to check out – We will be keeping it up to date on a regular basis with developments, especially with news on teams and sponsors.
Putting on an event the scope and magnitude of BWTS requires a tremendous amount of organising and focus, but without doubt, it is always worth it when we experience the energy in the room on NYE, energy that is a culmination of hard work and dedication by the organisers, by the professions involved in set-up, together with the sponsors, the dancers and most of all, the always enthusiastic crowd that bring the whole evening to life !
Be sure to check in on our progress, and most of all, to put plans in place to be there, to be a part of, and share in, this Gala Event.