November 2024
For over a decade, BWTS has established itself as a well-recognized NYE event here in Prince George.
We have been actively involved with BWTS since organizing our very first event back in 2010. At the beginning we held the event every year, but over time came to realize that changing it to every two years worked better for everyone.
And so that continued as our approach, everyone looking forward to the event every two year with a welcomed break in between. Together with PGHPCS (Hospice) who eventually took over the administration, we started planning for 2024 & Season 9 some time back.
Covid has affected many things, with the economic climate ever shifting since then. This has brought about new challenges, particularly with fund-raising, and sadly, we have come to realize that due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been put in a position of having to cancel “BWTS Season 9” for this year. Anyone we have shared this news with has expressed disappointment, and so in turn that has given us encouragement not to give up on the event quite yet, and to look at what can be done to promote a successful Season 9 in the future, perhaps as early as 2025 !
Peter & Paz